Wednesday, February 11, 2015


One of my real life inspirations right now is a trans author, activist, adult film producer, actor and LGBT icon, Buck Angel. Or "The Man With A Pussy" As he likes to call himself, as he has had his transformation into becoming a male from a female at the age of 28, he had his breast removed, went through hormone therapy and originally wanted a penis. 

What I find so, brilliantly, breathtakingly and APPLAUD-INGLY bold is he reached a point where he didn't feel the need to have a penis to feel like a man. "It is a misconception completely, genitals are not what "makes a man a man" or "a woman, a woman" and with this understanding, self love and confidence within himself it radiates throughout his being and is what enables him to be the incredible inspiring man (and WHAT a man) he is today. 

Buck travels the world and educates people on the apparent "means" to be a man, a woman, a straight person, a gay person, and how those labels shouldn't exist anymore within our societies, I admire his goal of wanting to deprogram the mindset of people who think gender and genitals are so black and white. Ugh, the fact people still think it's one of the other?! ~~~~HOW 50's! (said in that unblemished sassy Tracy Turnblad tone to her mother Divine in Hairspray)

Another few fascinating things about Buck is he was once married to a very well known dominatrix Ilsa Strix (Karin Winslow) They had a dungeon in downtown Los Angeles (oh, my-god yes!) And she left him for a high profile client and another transgendered woman, Lana Wachowskis (once Larry Wachowski) one half of the American film directors, screenwriters and producers The Wachowskis. (Bound, The Matrix, V for Vendetta, Speed Racer, etc etc..) 

But back to absolutely admiring Buck, he was the very first transexual man with a vagina to penetrate the mainstream adult industry, he's produced and starred with straight men, gay men and trans women.

 This sculpture here is a life size sculpture by Marc Quinn of Angel. The finished sculpture has been shown all over the world.