I've always been into creative little ventures/side projects and creative class assignments that involves buying, researching and selling the latest trending product from sourced weird parts of the internet(STRANGE PLASTIC) making my own custom leather pieces, or sex accessories to individually sell to small international niche markets (CVNT) or simply just making my own punk jackets or drag queen coats (VOD BLANCO) to commission for friends and performers alike...
But its a slow and painstaking process to be the sole provider of a small independent creative label, to design, patternmake (and, in my case not very well) fit, re-refit, fit again, mock up then sew (again, not well in my case) final garments for customers and interested clientele. And from experience and an amateur marketing directors eye, being a sole carrier there's only a so much attention and small target market these particular labels can attract.(Keep in mind I'm throwing no shade, I'm just talking about my endeavours here) I'd always much rather give my creations away for free than to charge a person for a made garment when I can't take the process I've gone through in order to make the product seriously. Done by my hand, at least. It just doesn't feel right. It feels cheated and silly to consider myself a designer because these processes one goes through are too hard to commit to alone (You people who have the precision, willpower and commitment to create and see through to the end PROPER pattern-made to measure works (not pieces that are held together with safety pins and glue) have your garments lined, interlined, interfaced, double stitched, binded, bias binded fuckin' invisible ZIPS! ZIPS IN GENERAL! Hems neatened, double folded and blind stitched YADAH-YADA-FUCKIN' YADA the list goes on. But I commend and take my hat off to you, and my pants 'cause they're ripped and need to be taken in and I sure as hell don't trust my fuckin' self to fuckin do so!)
So this new venture of mine, again. Like any other is slow and painstaking but the rewards and interest of this special endeavour are going to surpass all these previous "Side Projects and Uni class Assignments" because I've realised to be a powerhouse you need a team, a manufacturing team...in a factory....aged 6 and up.. (HAHAHA omg I'm sorry I couldn't help that one) and to be where I am looking to head, this'll be apart of my process.
So stay tuned, for the final time.
look, I know this gif would look a million times cooler in a bigger size, it comes up fine in the edit post page it just fucks up when its published. FUCK YOU BLOGGER